We recently caught up with Ifeoma, a Year 11 pupil, following her 1:1 guidance interview with her Future Frontiers Transition Manager.
Ifeoma told us that she has broadened her horizons and has been focused on revision to achieve her career goals.

“After doing the Future Frontiers programme, I'm a lot more confident in my choices and I'm taking the next steps to get where I want to be. I've always sort of known what I wanted to get into, but I feel that before the programme, it was more of a hit-or-miss. I didn't know how to go about it.
I’m interested in creative careers like interior design, architecture, photography. During the coaching sessions in Year 10, my coach helped me to read through a lot of the content and basically break down the steps towards choosing my options, like sixth forms. I thought that was really good.
“I’m a lot more confident in my choices and I’m taking the next steps to get where I want to be.”
Honestly I'm feeling extremely nervous in Year 11 as it is one big final step before I'm leaving school — so scary! But the career guidance interview with my Transition Manager helped me define what I want to do. Before it was all over the place, and now I'm quite certain on what I want to do, where it's going to get me and how I should get there.
We looked over the schools I plan to apply to, the subjects, what I could do further with them, how they could help me.
I'm certain about doing A Levels and going into the sixth form. I want to do something artistic, so I picked subjects that are linked to that, such as graphic design, media, photography. If I don't get into anything artistic, I have a back-up plan to become a social care worker. I've always wanted to work with people, I think I'm good at that.
“Taking part in this programme has opened my eyes to so many things I could do and all the different ways I could get there.”
I want to focus more on the subjects that I'm struggling with. I've been making revision timetables, giving a certain day to a certain subject, to strengthen myself in all core subjects, so I'm not fully focused on one and struggling with another.
Now I’m going to be more assertive about where I'm going. Obviously, I don't know how it's going to turn out, so I'm still a bit nervous, but I know I've done the planning.
Taking part in this programme has opened my eyes to so many things I could do and all the different ways I could get there and it has helped me come out of my comfort zone. That was really helpful!”
The Future Frontiers coaching programme is a unique way to develop your staff whilst also making a positive impact in your local community. Get in touch with our team today to find out how your business could benefit from partnering with us.