Activity 1: Your Sector Role Mode Conversation and Reflections
Please remember: this conversation must be supervised by a coach
Before the session, click onto the virtual classroom you have been using in Vedamo. You should see a classroom link (URL), which you can then send to the sector role model, so they can join your virtual classroom with your pupil. You will only need them to join for 15 minutes, ideally at the beginning, but some sector role models may need more flexibility.
Your pupil may be nervous about the sector role model joining your virtual classroom - reassure them that it will be no different than speaking with you and help them to revise their questions.
Try and encourage your pupil to take the front seat in the conversation but you may have to lead at the beginning.
Afterwards, reflect with your pupil on how it went and use the reflection questions to guide your discussion.
Encourage your pupil to think of other people who they can talk to about their experiences, outside of the programme.​
Activity 2: Final Plans Survey
The priority for this activity is that students leave with clear, actionable steps that they can take after the programme and fill in the survey so that we can measure the impact of the programme.
Make sure that your pupil copies the bitly link on their browser and that they share their screen with you.
(Part One) Firstly, reflect on what you have covered throughout the programme to complete the "about me" section.
Then, encourage your student to come up with an "A Plan" (for if they get the grades they want- their ideal scenario) and then "B Plan" (for if they don't get the grades or something doesn't go to plan). The idea behind this is to show them that if they work hard, they could achieve their goals, but that their B plan is exciting too and can still get them to the same goal.
All of this information should be taken from previous conversations and especially session 3 where they would have picked an A and B option for their next steps. Try and be really positive and encouraging about the B plan too.
(Part Two) Make sure that your pupil stops sharing their screen for this part of the survey, as they will fill in some personal information and we want them to be honest in their answers. If they have any questions about meaning, of course you can support them.
Activity 4: Your Goals
If you go back to the handbook once the above is completed, you will see a blank space for you and your pupil to reflect on how your pupil can achieve the goals in their A (and B plan). Try and come up with 2 or 3 goals for the next 6 months to a year that will get them on track to achieving their aims.​
Go through the checklist noting what you have achieved over the whole programme. Give your pupil lots of positive reinforcement and encouragement for what you have successfully completed. It's also good to end the final session with some encouraging words and reinforcements of their next steps, so that the programme is ended on a really positive note.
Remember the debrief framework in training:
Ask what you have done in that session
Ask what they have enjoyed
Ask what the implications of this are